[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]ABOUT US

The Educational Assistance Resources Network (E.A.R.N.) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2012 with the purpose of providing practical education access/opportunities for low-income, or otherwise disadvantaged individuals, seeking a life change through education.

Effectively, E.A.R.N. is about “building stronger communities, one life challenged student at a time.”  Through E.A.R.N.’s integrated partner program support, individuals become empowered to improve their lives (and/or the lives of their families), through a blend of virtual and real-world solutions.  This integration results in practical access to relevant academic programs. They gain continuous program access regardless of their present life circumstances.  Their emphasis, initially, is receiving a high school level credential, to ultimately position themselves for enhanced education or higher income job/career opportunities.



To enhance success rates for disadvantaged teens and adults who aspire to improve their lives and the lives of their families by providing practical, continuous access to academic solutions that directly address their life circumstances.


E.A.R.N. envisions a world where quality education is accessible and affordable to everyone.




Compassion and desire to help empower students of all demographics –age, gender, race, circumstance, socio-economic levels of life; enabling others to help themselves



Thirst for self-improvement through knowledge to achieve success



Implementation of innovation; adapting to change by introducing new methods; accessibility and resources to benefit the students we serve



Individual, community and industry cooperation for the common good of the students we serve and the vision we hold



Strive for quality in everything we do, especially in areas of responsiveness, systems effectiveness, and timely program completion[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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