Help A Student In Need

What exactly does your gift to E.A.R.N. do?

Of every dollar donated to E.A.R.N.:

85% goes to E.A.R.N. programs
8% goes to administration
7% goes to fundraising

We are committed to being good stewards of the funds we receive and ensuring our goal to impact as many life-challenged students as we can.

Here is an idea:

$50 pays for a student travel to/from the test center and covers the cost of a child’s daycare, while student takes tests.

$250 covers 25% of direct cost of tuition and pays for assessment and GED testing

$500 covers half of direct tuition costs

$1,000 covers the entire cost of direct tuition

$3,000 covers the entire cost of program for one student! Includes: tuition, laptop, internet, test prep, tutoring, testing, other resources.

QFCO Donation:

As a Qualified Foster Care Organization (QFCO), E.A.R.N. donors that file Arizona state tax returns are eligible for a full “tax credit.” E.A.R.N. is among an elite group of non-profit organizations (only 40 are qualified) to offer this incredible program. Funds raised are applied to help foster kids in Arizona reach critical education goals to keep them from becoming a “statistic,” costing us all far more, and leaving them with no hope of a normal life. You benefit, they benefit! So please direct the same “funds” you would be giving to the state, to fulfill your tax obligation, to help deserving foster youth by donating now to E.A.R.N.

It is “so” simple. All you have do is follow these FOUR EASY STEPS:

Make a donation of up to $500 (Single Payer) or $1,000 (Couple) to EARN.
After you’re finished, we will issue you a receipt.
Save your receipt from E.A.R.N. to enter key information about your contribution.
Report your contribution to E.A.R.N. on Form 352 of your Arizona (AZ140) tax return.
That’s it! It’s really that easy!!! You get to choose directly where your tax dollars go, while helping some of the nearly 18,000 foster kids in AZ escape poverty, and a life of crime, by finishing their education and having a chance to succeed!

E.A.R.N. is an Arizona 503(c) charity. Our EIN is 49-1254809.